Show Time!
Every two years, the eyes of the wine industry turn to the Languedoc for the Vinisud wine show (dates are 20-22 February 2012). This growing event is a fixed piece in the Sainte Rose diary and this year you will find us conveniently located (very close to the main entrance!) in Hall 1 on stand A8, which is in the IGP Cotes de Thongue producers’ area. We are excited that we will be able to show a few wines from the very latest vintage at this event, with Le Marin Blanc 2011 and our 2011 Coquille d’Oc white and rosé already in bottle. Do come and taste new wines and old favourites, plus catch up with news on all the latest developments at the Domaine.
As well as showing our wines on our stand, Sainte Rose will be participating in a very novel, ‘alternative’ tasting as part of the group, ‘Outsiders Rocking the Languedoc’. Here are the facts you need to know. In our opinion it is a tasting not to be missed!
WHAT: an interactive, alternative tasting of 12 wines, using photos, images and sounds. As Bones might have said to Captain James T. Kirk: “It’s wine tasting, Jim, but not as we know it.”
WHEN: Monday February 20th, 4pm and Tuesday February 21st, 10am
WHERE: Vinisud, in the Pavillon 2.0 (dedicated web space), Hall 6
WHO: the Outsiders – a group of 12 Languedoc-Roussillon wine producers with a common vision, who like to do things differently.
WHY: Because coming from “outside” means having an alternative perspective, which can translate into doing things differently. And because it’s good to think outside the box.